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  • LGBTQIA2+ Affirmative Couple Therapy

    As a Certified Rainbow Advocate Clinical Specialist, educator, psychotherapist, and AASECT Certified Sex Therapist, I work with LGBTQIA2+ individuals and couples to support meaningful, happy, and fulfilling relationships, providing the freedom, happiness, and safety to live empowering and satisfying lives. As an affirmative, informed psychotherapist, I offer an inclusive, safe approach to care that is knowledgeable, respectful, compassionate, unbiased, and responsive to the needs, spirit, and voices of the LGBTQIA2+ community.

    What is Affirmative Therapy?

    Affirmative therapy is a therapeutic approach that recognizes and corrects the harmful messages of homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, and heterosexism affecting LGBTQIA2+ individuals. It embraces a positive perspective on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, gender, and sexually diverse (LGBTQIA2+) identities and relationships.

    As an affirmative therapist, I provide an inclusive, non-blaming, non-judgmental, and safe space to explore your concerns about systemic obstacles in the heteronormative bias within our culture and society. This space is a sanctuary where you can feel secure, valued, and respected, free from discrimination and prejudice. I offer multicultural and multiethnic competency, a non-heterosexual approach, an intersectional context, and gender-diverse identity development models by reframing them as normative and healthy expressions.

    We collaborate to create a safe space to explore values, discovery, and growth that respects where you come from and where you want to be. As your therapist, I provide the compassion, knowledge, expertise, skills, and therapeutic interventions to guide and support your sexual and gender diversity and the unique challenges you face. This collaboration empowers and gives you control over your journey, instilling confidence and hope. I am here to support you, but you are the one in control of your trip.

    LGBTQIA2+ Couples

    Therapeutic interventions provide the scientific tools to establish effective communication methods and understand one another for a mutually meaningful and satisfying relationship. This scientific approach instills confidence and hope, reassuring you that positive outcomes are not just possible but likely. Same-sex couples experience relationship challenges that encompass the whole spectrum of couples. However, an additional layer of discrimination, judgment, and stigma from American culture and society complicates these relationships. Navigating relationship problems may seem daunting, causing anxiety and depression, and when sexual betrayals occur, feelings of guilt and shame cause significant pain to your partner. It may feel impossible to overcome these relationship disappointments with a positive outcome.

    Gottman Method Couples Therapy for Same-Sex Couples

    According to Drs. John and Julie Gottman and colleagues, a twelve-year study of lesbian and gay couples, revealed the factors that contribute to the failure or success of relationships. The published empirical research confirmed that the Gottman Method of Couples Therapy is highly effective as an evidence-based therapy for gay and lesbian couples. This groundbreaking research demonstrated the strengths of gay and lesbian relationships to the scientific community. The study showed that LGBT couples who participated in the Gottman Method Couples Therapy experienced significant improvements in their relationships, often surpassing the outcomes of most couples.

    The Enhanced Gottman Connect Relationship Checkup

    The Enhanced Gottman Connect Relationship Checkup is an essential assessment of your strengths and challenges as a couple across several areas. It is an in-depth analysis based on 40+ years of scientific research, confidential, and HIPAA compliant. This checkup, consisting of 337 questions, provides a comprehensive understanding of your relationship dynamics. We then collaborate to establish an individualized, unique, science-based treatment plan with goals that meet your objectives and set the foundation for a meaningful and satisfying relationship.

    Our commitment to you is unwavering. We are dedicated to creating a safe space where you can explore your values, make discoveries, and grow in a way that respects your unique background and aspirations. I bring compassion, knowledge, expertise, and therapeutic interventions to support your sexual and gender diversity and the unique challenges you face. I want you to know that you will be deeply valued and respected in our sessions.

    I welcome an encouraging and optimistic perspective that celebrates diversity in gender and sexual orientation. I offer specialized interventions to address your unique concerns as an individual within the LGBTQIA2+ community. My goal is to support your healing, growth, and development in a positive identity and to walk with you through your journey, instilling hope and optimism along the way.